Hippodrome & Amphitheater of Scythopolis

Hippodrome & Amphitheater of Scythopolis

Hippodrome & Amphitheater of Scythopolis

Hippodrome & Amphitheater of Scythopolis
Beit Shean, Israel
Hippodrome & Amphitheater of Scythopolis
Project objectives
2D Print
The city of Bet She’an rose to prominence during the Roman-Byzantine periods (1st-century BCE-7th century CE) when the city was known as Scythopolis and became one of the cities of the Decapolis. The city’s urban planning, theater, temples, bathhouses, markets, colonnaded streets, and fountains transformed the city into one of the most beautiful and important of the period. The city’s Hippodrome was built in the 2nd century CE and used for horse and chariot races. In the 4th century CE, the Hippodrome was converted into an amphitheater and used for tournaments, entertainment shows, and gladiator battles. The amphitheater could seat 4,000-5,000 spectators.
Israel Exploration Society
The Hebrew University Department of Archaeology Beit Shean expedition